Work / Trabajo
In 2012, my life transformed when I first began organizing in California against the Secure Communities program. For the last decade, I’ve had the privilege of learning and growing among people who convert their love for their communities into action.
In 2014, I helped organize an anti-militarism youth encuentro, or action-oriented conference, in Venezuela called “Rooted in Resistance, Sowing Sovereignty.” You can read more about the work we did with organizers from across the Americas in this recap and photo-essay. I shared some of these experiences in 2018 with a group that would later become Dissenters, an anti-militarism youth organization in the United States.
From 2014 until 2020, I was an active member of Organized Communities Against Deportations, an undocumented-led organization. As a member of OCAD, I led education workshops on criminalization, strategized campaigns for the release of detained community members and participated in campaigns such as #ErasetheDatabase, #ExpandedSanctuary, #ByeAnita, #NoCopAcademy and #CareNotCops. Because of this background, I consulted for the book Balls, Walls, Raids, Sanctuary before it was published.
In 2018, in collaboration with James Kilgore and Myesha Hayes, I organized the first Chicago gathering on the impact of electronic monitoring in the criminal legal system and in immigration. I did this in my capacity as a staff member of the Chicago Community Bond Fund, where I also organized rallies and events demanding an end to pretrial incarceration.
Trabajo comunitario
En 2012, cuando comencé a organizar en California contra el programa de Comunidades Seguras, mi vida y mi trabajo se transformaron por completo. Durante la última década, he tenido el privilegio de aprender y crecer entre personas que convierten en acción el amor por sus comunidades. Aquí hay algo de mi trabajo.
En 2014, ayudé a organizar un encuentro juvenil antimilitarista en Venezuela llamado “Enraizados en Resistencia, Sembrando Soberanía”. Pueden leer más sobre el trabajo que hicimos con militantes de todo el continente americano en este resumen y ensayo fotográfico.
En 2018, formé parte de un grupo asesor que brindó ideas iniciales para lo que luego se convertiría en Dissenters, una organización juvenil antimilitarista radicada en los Estados Unidos.
Desde 2014 hasta 2020, fui miembro activo de Comunidades Organizadas en Contra de las Deportaciones (OCAD), una organización dirigida por personas indocumentados. Como miembro de OCAD, dirigí talleres educativos sobre la criminalización, creé estrategias para la liberación de miembros de la comunidad detenidos y participé en campañas como #ErasetheDatabase, #ExpandedSanctuary, #ByeAnita, #NoCopAcademy y #CareNotCops. Debido a estas experiencias, consulté el libro Balls, Walls, Raids, Sanctuary antes de que se publicará.
En 2018, en colaboración con James Kilgore y Myesha Hayes, organicé la primera reunión de Chicago sobre el impacto del monitoreo electrónico en el sistema legal penal y en la inmigración. Hice esto como parte del personal del Chicago Community Bond Fund, donde también organicé acciones y eventos exigiendo el fin del encarcelamiento previo al juicio.
“We ask”: How The Bilingual Cicero Independiente Taps the Community to Identify Information Needs, Neiman Lab, 2022
Activism, Journalism y La Verdad, OIGO, 2022
These News Organizations Are Boosting Revenue with Locally Themed Revenue, American Press Institute, 2022
The Backstory: Reporting on ‘Gang Contracts’ and the Criminalization of Youth, Type Investigations, 2021
How a Community-Focused Weekly is Punching Holes in an Illinois Town’s Political Discourse, Poynter, 2021
Latino COVID-19 Concerns Missing From Presidential Debate, WTTW, 2020
Meet Irene Romulo, Cofounder of Cicero Independiente and City Bureau Alum, City Bureau, 2020
Three Residents Launched an Online Bilingual News Publication in Cicero, 14 East Magazine, 2020
Locked Up With COVID-19, Borderless Magazine, 2020
Calls to #AbolishICE are Counterproductive Unless They Are Also a Call to @AbolishPolice, BYP, 2018
What We Mean When We Say Abolish ICE, In These Times, 2018
Human Rights Column: Do Refugees Have Rights, The Volunteer, 2018
Calls to Abolish ICE Were Everywhere at the Massive March Against Immigrant Family Detention, In These Times, 2018
Lost In Translation: How Language Barriers Can Add Anguish and Complicate Care for COVID-19 Patients Who Don’t Speak English, Chicago Tribune, 2019
“These Community Activists Won Bail Reform. Now They Have to Force Judges to Comply”, In These Times, 2018
Lawsuit, Rally Draws Attention to Cook County Bail Reform, The Columbia Chronicle, 2018
Activist Demand Cicero Pass Welcoming Ordinance To Protect Immigrants, CBS Chicago, 2017
Temp Workers Organize for Change In An Industry Rife With Reported Abuses: ‘They Would Treat People As Disposable’, The Pump Handle, 2014
Selected Panels
Panelist, Polarization Conversation Series: Publishers Serving Polarized Immigrant Communities, Craig Newman Graduate School of Journalism at CUNY, Virtual, 2021
Panelist, This is What Public Trust Looks Like, Institute for Nonprofit News’ Racial Equity in Journalism, Virtual Conference, 2020
Panelist, Reporting More Inclusive and Complete Narratives, Journalism's Role in Healing and Rebuilding Chicago A Funders Briefing, MacArthur Foundation, 2020
Panelist, Transformative Imaginations: Decarceration & Liberatory Futures, Imagining America Conference, Studebaker Theater, 2018
Panelist, Challenging the Normalization of Electronic Monitoring and Surveillance, Against the Use of Electronic Monitoring, University of Chicago, 2018
Panelist, Chicago’s Gang Database and Deportations, Week Against Mass Incarceration, Chicago Kent College of Law, 2018
I have received the following awards in my professional career. If you’re a person of color and want to hear about my experience or need help applying, send me a message. I didn’t think I would get many of these but I did and so can you.
Named a 2022 Leaders for a New Chicago by the Field Foundation.
Finalist 2022 Richard H. Driehaus Foundation Award for Investigative Reporting small newsroom category for investigation about gang contracts in Cicero schools.
Finalist for three Peter Lisagor Awards 2022 including Best Multimedia Collaboration, Best Online Reporting on Race and Diversity and Best Neighborhood News.
Awarded the 2021 Sarah Brown Boyden Award in Education by the Chicago Journalist Association for reporting on ‘gang contracts’ in Cicero.
Participated in the Power of Diverse Voices, Poynter training in 2021 for underrepresented journalists.
Awarded the Insight Award for Explanatory Journalism and the Breaking Barriers Award from the Institute for Nonprofit News in 2020 for work on the series “Unrest in Cicero: How One Day Shook a Town”
Named Institute for Nonprofit News’ Emerging Leader in 2020 for work with Cicero Independiente.
Awarded the 2020 Voqal Fellowship for social justice leaders to advance tech-based solutions for equitable social change.
Received the 2018 Seed Fund Grant at the People-Powered Publishing Conference to launch a news project.
Named a 2012 Bill Emerson Hunger Fellow to advance solutions to end hunger and poverty.